Loving Self Evaluation
SVADHYAYA — self study. You are the most fascinating subject that you will every study. Self knowledge is power. Sincere self evaluation is an act of self love. To be super honest about yourself about where you are in space, where you are in alignment with your spirit, takes courage. While we have daily practices to maintain and elevate our spirit and lives, it is so beautiful to periodically sit down with yourself and lovingly inquire; “How am I really doing?”
Self evaluation:
Who in my life increases me? Who subtracts from my energy?
What is something that I am proud of?
Does what I am doing make me feel good? Exponential?
What is something that I’ve been wanting to do and haven’t started yet? Why?
How is my physical health? How do I actively support my health?
How do I feel in my body? Am I comfortable or not comfortable? Elaborate.
What is a something/ a habit/ a person that has expired in my life? What did this teach me?
Write out all of the people that you are grateful for that support your mission and dreams.
What am I committing to now? Why?
What/who holds me accountable in the pursuit of my desire?
Dissolve all self doubt. Trust yourself. You are the creator