Push notifications have become the death of intelligent thinking.
I've struggled going back and forth between deleting my social media and then downloading it again.... and again.
If one person in my life seems to have it "figured out," it's Mateo. His phone is on airplane mode half of the day. He responds on his own terms, not on anyone else’ watch. Mateo has migrated to SoCal, and says when he ventures out to the beach it seems everyone is living life through their screen. Whether at the pier, a restaurant, even a social gathering, everyone is hanging out, eyes down, neck breaking, posture suffering,
scrolling, checking, liking, racing.
I hear,
"You are what you eat."
"you are an accumulation of the five people you hang out with the most."
I think you are what you consume. Beyond the realm of the kitchen table, beyond hand to mouth. We are made up of what we consume through all of the senses; a mix of what we listen to, read, eat, put on the skin, wear on our feet, environmental factors, media, and so on....
So, let’s take some inventory, and curate the news feed.
We are seeing a massive increase in mental health issues related to social media use... and we don't realize that it isn’t real. Our desire to be accepted and feel validated by society is killing authenticity.
We live in a fast world, with lots of information being thrown at us from wake to sleep. Some of us live in a constant high stim environment. If one goes to lay down but are still on their phone, they are not actually in a resting state. Here we are in sympathetic response; the light, the dopamine rush, causing our pupils to dilate, heart rate to go up… We are not able to get adequate restoration. The next time you have a chance, when you are resting, take a moment to observe the breath, tune into your body, and notice… how you feel.
Throughout my experience of personal development, I learned how to curate everything I possibly can that comes into my body and physical space. I yearn to be conscious and mindful of where I pay my attention to. After all my attention is my most sacred currency. Where will I spend it? What will I allow in to influence my thoughts and perspective?
I’ve realized that I could eat the finest, most nutrient dense food, use top shelf products, but if my mind was still taking in trash, my growth would be stunted.
In the process of detoxing my media and life, many relationships and connections died in the process…. Not everyone wants to get on that train! In fact, many prefer stay in the familiar comfort zone, pulling the lever of instant gratification . You can lead a horse to water….
It's a difficult game with media. We are surrounded by it. It's rare to come across someone without social media. After observing my brothers develop such a strong mindset after abandoning social media a few years ago, I have tried to do the same. They both embody their most authentic truth. Their validation and true happiness is rooted within and blossoms outward. They grow such rich fruit that anyone they encounter wants to pick a piece of their branches. Then they take a bite and ask what their secret to true happiness is. I've seen the ripples they have created, it shows in their circles; as many of their close friends and roommates have abandoned social media as well. That is next level!
Me- “What are you up to these days kev?”
Kev- “Well… I spend most of my time with my eyes shut.”
Personally, I repeatedly ran into walls in the attempt to abandon social media, as IG and FB have been a powerful tool in networking and communicating with people. These apps have been crucial in expanding my connections and business. Also, I longed for connection and human interaction in the face of pandemic isolation.
I have discovered empowerment through the process of mindfully choosing what to let in my body and energetic space. Ask, what is your YES, and what is your NO? What are you values and what are your boundaries? I am still learning through the opportunity to make conscious choices every day. We have the choice to upgrade!
Here are some tricks that have helped me maintain discipline and establish boundaries with social media:
Phone off at least one hour before sleeping, and for one hour after waking. Do this will all blue light.
Be a picky eater. Stop consuming toxic content.
What content helps supports growth in your mental, spirit, body, and business?
You can mute accounts that are distracting.
Limit the time you spend on each app. You can do this through settings on your iPhone.
Put out what you want to receive back. Notice your online interactions. What is the voice/energy you are putting in your comments? What kind of content do you share? Why do you share it?
If you are trying to get support from others, support others first. Support your friend's business. Promote services of value to you. It will come back to you.
Make it a goal to take longer breaks from social media if possible. Even separating for 24 hours is unimaginable to some. Start out with some realistic time goals and honor them.
Remember that none of this shit matters.
You are unique, perfect in your imperfections, and created as a miraculous witness of the divine. Be you. Love, YOU!